Chloe is starting 3rd grade and continues to love learning and school. She was supposed to write down something she doesn't like about school and said she couldn't think of anything!
We got a letter stating Chloe was accepted into the Gifted and Talented program. She said it perfectly when she told me she has been working really hard in school so that's why she got in. I believe that too, awesome job Chloe!
Blain is such a cutie and as wild and crazy as ever. He isn't in the same class as his best friend this year but he told me he meets his at recess and I'm sure they will get together outside of school too.
This is him choosing his own pose :)
Dropping them off before school on the first day. I think we can probably do the bus in the future since they basically just walked across the crosswalk and went strait to the playground with a wave to me.
Zeyta's first day of 3 year old preschool! She looks so small and cute I can't believe she's going to school.
She did great picking out her clothes the night before and not fussing too much getting ready for school. Avenlea was so nice to let her bring 3 little dolls in her backpack which helped calm down the sadness of not getting to play all morning.
At school Zeyta did great playing on the playground and lining up with all the other kids. She didn't cry at all and waved as she walked into her class. What a happy 3 year old!
All lined up with her classmates
Avenlea is starting kindergarten this year, I can't believe she is 5 already.
Avenlea is always nervous in new situations and today was no exception. We went and met her new teachers yesterday at back to school night so that helped, but she was pretty clingy once we got to school. She ended up doing great and without shedding any tears. She recognized some of her friends from preschool and was able to line up with them.
What a cutie cowgirl all ready to start Kindergarten!!
Feeling a little nervous but doing awesome!
Avenlea turns 5!! My sweet baby Avenlea turned 5 yesterday and it was such a fun day. The only thing she asked for was a rainbow puppy costume with a puppy voice. I spent about a week of nights after they went to bed working on that costume. She loved it and wore it most of the day so it made it worth it.
Avenlea is her rainbow puppy costume, opening it first thing in the morning
Love that little puppy
Getting her face painted so she can be a true puppu
the completed look
I told Avenlea we could do whatever she wanted and she chose going to the park, 2 parks actually!
We spent about an hour at each park to make a fun morning
She is getting so big! Still tiny but big for her!
Peeking through the bars at mainstreet park
The midway park was transformed into an imaginary ship that we all sailed on
Opening more presents. It was quite torturous for her to wait until daddy got home to open the rest of her presents but she sure loved them! Goggles, ballerina leotard, song recorder and sand toys!
Avenlea requested a rainbow cake! Her first non strawberry cake since she's been old enough to make requests
Blowing out her 5 candles
Cutting the cake with the special birthday knife!
Grandma and Grandpa Moyeda came for the celebration bringing a fun dollhouse!
Chloe's Piano recital: Chloe has been working hard since last November learning piano from an amazing woman in our ward. Chloe played 3 songs and sounded beautiful on all of them. Good job Chloe!
Chloe playing her pieces
All the performers with their teacher!
After the recital was over
Chloe with grandma and grandpa Moyeda
Zeyta: This spunky girl is so animated! She makes the best faces and loves using fun expressions "holy macaroni!" She is confident and opinionated but has learned to take turns and share really well with her siblings and cousins. Zeyta loves to eat cereal, meat, applesauce and ramen. She is known for only eating the tops of the pizza, bagel, quesadilla, etc.
Zeyta has made herself a "special spot" on the ground in front of the window in their room where she sleeps on 3 pillows laid out and 3 blankies on top. Zeyta loves playing with little dolls, shopkins, LOL toys, and has loved playing tea set outside. She pours water back and forth for so long and loves it! Zeyta also enjoys swimming in the lake and pool where she is getting so brave to float of her own with her floaties.
Zeyta loves reading her baby book all snuggled up in her blankie when she gets upset. She is a "run out of the room and come back a few minutes later" kind of girl and I've learned going after her only makes things worse. She is so independent. She has also taken up the phrase "you're mad at me!!" and says this to anyone trying to correct an action or even saying No to a request.
Zeyta loves to pray for the food and to choose the song (usually popcorn, family song, sunbeam, etc.) for family night. She spends hours per day playing mommy and baby with Avenlea usually dressed up in a princess dress, tutu or old halloween costume. Zeyta likes dancing and singing to her kids music and loves making daddy "mad" shaking her little hips! She gets so into character sometimes that she won't respond to her real name and will give me a "look" and say, "I'm _____ (Loise Lane, Elsa, Ana, Ruby)"
Zeyta loves to come along anywhere anyone is going and gets super sad when she can't come (to work with mommy or daddy, to Orem with aunt Melissa...) She comes along for the ride with me even just to drop off an older sibling at practice or a quick run to the grocery store. She sleeps all through the night and is usually one of the first ones awake in the morning.
Brave girl going down the coaster backwards!
All painted up as a kitty!
Avenlea is the first one to fall asleep even with Blain and Chloe's endless stories. She still loves her tiger blanket and when I check on them before going to bed all I usually see of her is a little tiger ball. Avenlea can also be super silly. When she gets around her friends and cousins she gets this crazy silly grin and can be loud and goofy which is hilarious because she is normally so quiet.
Avenlea hardly ever has any requests for food but when she does it's pasta, fishsticks or ramen. She also loves fruit (apples, watermelon, cantaloupe). Avenlea likes Froggy books and puzzles and games. She loves playing with Darius and Zeyta on the trampoline and riding tricycles and scooters.
Avenlea is still such a little cowgirl loving both her red and brown cowgirl boots. She puts them on as a first choice whenever we go out - even to the pool! I hope she has a really fun school year this year and makes lots of friends.
Dutch braids done by Chloe!
Crafting and painting
Provo River and Deer Creek: The weeks leading up to school I tried my best to get these kiddos out and about. We had a lot of fun going to the river and to the Lake. The kids kayak continues to be a big hit, soon zeyta will be able to paddle herself!
Chloe being such a great big sister taking Zeyta out on a little ride around rainbow bay
Avenlea getting water for her sand castle
The sand was trying its best to suck us down into the water!!
Cutie Avenlea taking a turn. I taught her how to turn and that made her much more confident paddling around, knowing she could turn and head for shore easily
Zeyta helping build the castle
Love my Avenlea!
We found an awesome slow spot in the river and made an afternoon of memories wading in the water, watching the fly fishers, and playing in the mud!
Chloe building a little house with sticks
Tough guy - he wanted to go out and swim in the deeper calm part so I took him out there, but he said it was "way too freezing" and changed his mind!
And we found a fun geocache on the way home!
Chloe: This 8 year old is getting so grown up. She has a real interest in cooking and baking lately. She has made chicken noodle soup, brownies, peanut butter cookies, a honey cake, ramen and spaghetti. She still has lots of supervision but it's getting more and more that I just tell her what she needs to do next and she is able to do it! She is self motivated and persistent! Chloe loves her pasta and potatoes and "salad sandwhiches". I really haven't found a meal that Chloe doesn't like, other than cooked zucchini or cooked chunky tomatoes. She does request Sushi an aweful lot and of course her usual favorite, Ramen.
Chloe is also super excited to take some sewing and knitting classes this year through 4-H. She "finger knits" scarves all the time and gets so excited to find cool yarn at the thrift stores. She has recently made a stuffed fairy, clothes for her stuffies, and a big clubhouse out of cardboard. Her art projects are beautiful and you can tell she spends a lot of time on them. A joke Chloe and I have is about her inability to find things. She still has a horrible time finding anything that isn't in the exact square inch that she thinks it should be in. She loves to tease me when I can't find things saying maybe I'm the one with "issues" about finding things. I love her fun pesonality and ability to take fun teasing.
Chloe looks out for her younger siblings all the time. She loves to remind me not to leave without someone and when Blain was being threatened with sleeping in the basement if he didn't stop talking in bed, she piped in that there are black widows down there and it wouldn't be nice to make him sleep with them. She gets the little girls snacks and makes sure everyone has colors and paper for church on sundays. And as Always Chloe is hooked on books! She is currently in the middle of Little House on the Prairie, Harry Potter and Nancy Drew. She recently finished 3 or 4 Diary of a Whimpy Kid books from the library and asks to go frequently for more!
Blain: Blain is so adventurous and fun. He is my go to helper for chasing chickens out of the front yard and reaching high things (up on my shoulders). Blain loves playing legos, actions figures, and doing handstands in the clean livingroom. He has made some pretty cool creations lately, but took one of his lego motorcycles to school and it got stolen :( Blain has been asking to play pokemon go a lot and tells me all about Mario, pokemon, and made up scenarios where those characters meet! Blain still likes to watch commentary on people playing his favorite DS games and wishes he could play League of Legends with Daddy.
I love how friendly and inviting Blain is with his sisters and cousins. He does really well at sharing his toys and including his little sisters. He begs Chloe daily to play with him on the trampoline "Chloe is still sewing and won't play with me..." and they have a blast together during outside playtime. Blain is still my slowest eater and doesn't like his food mixed. He is excited for soccer season coming up so he can drink Gatorade at the games... and he loves his pretzels, chips and donuts. His usual request for dinner is pancakes (German pancakes too now!) or french toast.
Blain takes his punishments like a champ without whining and is always quick to appologize when he bumps or hurts someone. He likes playing chess, war, and other games with the family. Blain is getting so good at reading and has finished some shorter chapter books, currently starting the Magnificent 12. Keep smiling Blain!!
Happy 11 Years! It took us a while to get out but we finally went on a date for our anniversary. We went to India Palace in Provo and then out to see Ant Man and The Wasp.
My Love and I
The garden has actually bounced back pretty good with some lemon cucumbers growing, tomatoes with flowers, and a whole handful of blackberries! Still pretty pathetic but better than nothing!
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