Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Start of a new year!

Well 2018 is already a wild roller coaster of emotions, trials, and blessings. Here we go!

 Walking to the bus stop in the freezing cold! The weather is actually really mild for January. We barely have any snow and it is almost always above freezing daily. 
 Nate and I had a big Dairy Day where we made butter, cream cheese, mascarpone, cheddar, and ice cream! Good thing we did because about a week later Fancy Died in a freak accident. She fell into the feeding trough sideways and upside down somehow. Nate had to cut open the box and pull her out with the tractor. I'm so so sad and don't know what I'm going to do without my farm fresh milk :(
 Chloe, Blain and Avenlea all had really nice parent teacher conferences and are doing exceptionally well academically. We went out to celebrate at Cafe Rio and told Chloe she could have her own meal if she ordered in spanish. She did so great! She told them what kind of beans and meat and all the other toppings. She was so proud of herself.
 Avenlea started Gymnastics this month after almost of year of wanting lessons and practicing at home. She was really nervous and scared her first time and would only let mommy take her, but now she asks all week if she gets to go to her "real" gymnastics.
Avenlea doing her pull ups just like they taught her in class. She is so determined to practice she drags me outside to do bar and balance beam on our old playground and berry posts
After only 3 classes Avenlea's teacher said she is ready to move up to their Hot Shots class. She now gets to practice for an hour and 20 minutes and learn harder skills because she was doing so well in the pre school class. I'm so proud of her and all the hard work she's put into practicing on her own!
 Blain has also been enjoying his gymnastics classes and working hard on all the aparatus. They did a little competition against the 5 other boys in his group and he won both times! He landed and stuck a front tuck vault and did a really good job keeping his legs strait and pointing his toes on the rings!
Blain's coach also signed him off to move up to the Boys Silver class! I'm so glad because it's hard for him to learn new skills being in the beginning class when there are new boys every month. He was so proud showing me his paper and can't wait to start his silver class!
 Playing War against Daddy
 Zeyta playing legos! She has been loving her magnet tiles, horses and shimmer and shine dolls!
Playing Baby dolls
"I need to warm my cold feet by the fire"
 Blain's friend gave him a karate belt and a month of free lessons to go to karate. He is having a blast!
 They call this the chicken kick
 Playing in the snow in the back yard
 Love my sweet kiddos
 Blain writing in his journal. He is working on holding his pen correctly and punctuating his sentences as a goal this term.
 Grandma Janice came for a short visit. Blain had just gotten a new search book from school and they all really enjoyed it!
We love Grandma Janice!

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