Monday, July 2, 2018

Happy Birthday Blain!

Blain turns 7: I gave Blain the option of missing summer school on his birthday if he wanted and of course he said yes! We kept in fun by opening his presents, going to the pool, and watching pokemon 3 the movie.
 Damian  helped Blain make a little lego robot, which has spurted on a marathon of lego play from Blain and Chloe. They are getting quite creative with those legos!

 Blain can do backflips under the water now and he loves to show me! He also swims well enough to go on the wibbit - a little obstacle course that floats on the water. I think his swimming will be awesome by the end of the year now that we have the pool passes!
 Blain and his robot cake that aunt melissa made him!
 Blowing out his #7 candle
 So we forgot the birthda knife at Em's house from Zeyta's birthday so we gave Blain a giant cutco knife to use. I was a little nervous but he did pretty good with no injuries!

 Robot Party: Blain was so excited for his birthday. He thought of some of the activities himself (making robots out of clay, robot pinata) and Chloe had a lot of fun helping. He had 2 friends come and lots of cousins! Happy 7th birthday Blain!
 Pin the eye on the robot made by Chloe
 Clay robots
 Robot relays
 I knew the robot feet wouldn't hold up well but they did even worse than I anticipated. The boxed were almost unwearable after the first person but they looked super cute trying to run with those big boxes on their feet!
 Making marshmallow robots!
 It was pretty windy out so we moved the cake inside so Blain could blow the candles out
 Aunt Molly made this robot for Blain! We filled it with a giant bag of candy from costco and a big bag of salt water taffy!
 After all the kids had 3 turns we let Blain go to town until he busted it open with that practice sword!

My Big Kids!
Zeyta is 3 and so fun! She is absolutely loving playing with all her princesses, dress up, and trampoline. Zeyta runs to her blankie when she gets sad or hurt and has been especially cuddly lately. She will ask me to read her baby book when she is cuddly which I love! 
She is the queen of All in her new Elsa dress - not that it stays on for long. I probably help her change outfits 5+ times per day. She rotates between tutus, leotards, princess dresses, Chloe's clothes, and avenlea's school/play dresses. It's all I can do to get her to wear shorts and a t shirt to play in! She likes wearing her hair in a high pony and laughs when daddy calls her "babycakie" with a candle on her head, lol!
 Zeyta loves mermaids and rainbows and playing in the various pools we go to. She loves jumping off the side of the pool to me at Molly's pool and spinning in the water at the aquatic center. Zeyta is usually one of the first ones up in the morning (after Blain) and she has been sneaking into the big kid's bed to sleep with the older 3. Zeyta still likes her sippies of milk and requests pink or chocolate milk quite frequently. She gets so excited when we drive past our old church building "That's our old church!!" and loves to play with Avenlea all day! 
 Avenlea is growing up so fast, literally! She had a big growth spurt since May and has grown over an inch! Her 3 T clothes are finally getting a little small - not that she ever wears clothes. It is leotards all day every day for this little gymnast! Her Aunt Melissa, grandma and mommy have made sure she has multiple leotards for every occasion! It's so hard not to get her "new to her" leotards when I know how often she wears them. And the whole family knows her love of them too so she will often get new leotards in the mail. She does so well in her gymnastics classes and has gotten so strong! She has been working on her handstands and headstands and can consistently do a pull over on the bar downstairs without any folded up mats to make her higher.
 Avenlea loves to play with Zeyta, most often princesses or dress up or on the trampoline. She has been doing awesome in summer school with her reading and participation and has her upstart graduation this Thursday! Avenlea continues to be my peacemaker and soft hearted tiny little cutie. 
 She loves practicing the bar everyday and can't wait for soccer in the fall. When I asked who wants to sign up for soccer her hand shot up super fast!! Avenlea gets so goofy at school it's funny to see becasue she is usually so soft spoken. But when she's around her friends she turns into a goofball laughing loud and giggling!
Blain is so happy to be 7 and loves his presents! We got him his own backpacking pack and new DS game Mario smash bros. He loves games - computer, DS, card and board games. His recent favorite is BANG! the western card game. He has also been really into bugs and of course robots! He got a couple really cool robots and build your own type kits. He is such a little science nerd, I love it! Blain is such a good sport playing with all his sisters and girl cousins. He is completely surrounded yet makes the most of it and is generally really good at incorporating his own "boy" style into their play. He has been non stop legos since his birthday and has also been reading a couple chapter books that we choose from the library! He usually chooses non fiction books on pokemon or minecraft or mario.
Blain has been a really good helper lately and doesn't whine or complain about chores. He has also been getting faster at them, which is a big change from the school year when it would take him twice as long as Chloe to finish his chores. It was fun learning some new things about Blain when we did his birthday interview, like he now wants to be a nature explorer when he grows up and that he has a favorite song outside of primary songs (When will I see you again from wreck it Ralph) Blain is friendly at school and has made a lot of new friends in summer school. When we walk into lunch there are usually a couple little boys greeting Blain. 
Blain has been doing awesome on his goals and continues to work hard! He got invited to practice with the gold boys this month and has recently learned to do a standing back bend! We still are working on tying shoes and riding a bike but I'm sure they will come fast!
Chloe is high energy and lots of fun! She LOVES practicing her piano, sometimes too much! She is learning a beautiful song for her recital in the fall and she sounds way too advanced for only taking lessons for 7 months! I never have to remind her to practice so that makes my job easier! Chloe is also working on a couple gymnastics goals - pull over, standing back bend (check!!) and pull up. She has loved her month of gymnstics and now soccer is starting up again with her first tournament at the end of this month! Chloe loves her pierced ears and wearing earrings. She asks to wear my dangly earrings or Kaya's most days of the weeks, although I only let her wear hanging ones on Sunday. She was such a good sport fasting today and decided to fast for her cousin Jocelyn to continue to get better. 
It can be so frustrating but worth mentioning how it is impossible for Chloe to find things on her own. Whether it be shoes, hairbrushes, books, or toys she can never find them even when I tell her exactly where they are! And she is convinced it's not in the location until I go and find it right where I said it would be, LOL. I'm sure I'll miss it when she out grows this but right now it can be super exasperating!! She is so helpful and caring and prepared as always with her purses and bags ready to go filled with way too much stuff. Her backpack always has a stuffy, book, notebook, accessories and her school supplies. She has been such a good hiker on all our hikes and never complains about having to carry the backpack full of water and snacks when I am carrying Zeyta. Chloe is also the most excited about the family (mommy and her babies...) geocaching that we do!

Blain's gymnastics competion: Blain had his state meet last weekend and he did amazing! He upped his blue ribbons from 3 to 5 and successfully completed numerous skills that he hadn't even done before let alone competed. I was SO SO proud of my tiny boy who is so strong and thrives in competition.
 All lined up with the other teams
 Floor: he had another amazing floor routine, not quite as good as his meet in Heber but look at how straight those legs are! We have videos of all his routines but he loves showing family his floor routine.
 High Bar: This is the apparatus that he progressed on the most I would say. He still got a Red ribbon but oh my gosh he did amazing! He did a hanging pull over AND a back hip circle, both skills he needed coach assistance with in his first meet just 2 weeks prior. Good Job Blain!!
 Parallel Bars: Blain got a Blue in this event this time and look at that dismount! We worked hard all week together on the makeshift p-bars at home so her could have straight legs on his dismount and look at that!! He was so proud of himself!!
 Vault: Another event where he exceeded my expectations. I was so nervous for him because the set up at this gym was very different from the one at heber. But it was no problem. He went out there and stuck a FRONT TUCK! He went from a red flag on his front handspring to a Blue on a front flip! He has so much power and just flies through the air! Since his first day in gymnastics he has always excelled in vault and there he is competing a level 5 vault and landing it!!
 Rings: another blue and another awesome rings routine. He wants to be able to pull out of his german hang soon but he completed this routine really well!
Pommel Horse: I love how Blain looks at his feet on his little tick tock routine. He got Blue again on pommel and sticks his little landing! Good job Blain!
Look at all those little gymnasts!

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