Watching Trolls
Happy Birthday Girl
Chloe with Marie and Summer and the fun Troll dolls they brought her
Opening her presents! I put up some of the recent pictures of her on the piano
Chloe got a jump rope, coloring book, belt decorating kit, trolls toys, beanie boo and colorful duct tape!
Candle in her ice cream sundae
Making her wish! Hope all your wishes come true Chloe!
Library Time: Wendy inspired me to get reading chapter books to my kiddos so we've been going to the library to check out books every week. We get superhero books for Blain and a series called Heidi Hecklebeck for Chloe. She read the whole thing in one day the first time so I checked out 3 the next time. I got Charlotte's Web for me to read to them before bed and so far they are really liking it.
Zeyta liking the Dr Seuss birthday party at the library. She usually sits on my lap and helps me clap along to the songs and rhymes.
Avenlea loves story time and gets so excited when I tell her it's Wednesday and Library day. She sings and claps along and it's so cute to hear her singing the rhymes to herself at home.
They made "green eggs and ham" cookies for craft time
Putting on the frost
Playtime: We have feet and feet of snow again in the front and back yards so unfortunately they are no longer jumping on the trampoline and playing in the yard, but Nate shoveled the walkway and the driveway is somewhat melted so they scooter and dora car around even though it's FREEZING!
I can't keep Zeyta out of the snow when we're playing outside so I decided it's best to just get her snow proof while she's playing outside.
Avenlea scootering along the path!
She was hopping "like a bunny" in the deep snow
The girls have also been really into having me take their picture while they are jumping. The camera momma gave me for Christmas last year works perfect for this as my iphone doesn't do well indoors and everything was blurry. Just look at those girls jump!
Two little leotard girls!
Chloe has the best faces when she jumps lol
Watch out Zeyta!
And my cutie enjoying her lunch before heading out to Orem
Silly Blainito!
I love the jumping pictures!!!