Monday, January 16, 2017

Daily Life in January

Here's what keeps us busy when it's below zero outside with snow up to our knees and a mommy who's on crutches...
 Shoveling Snow! It seems like it snowed heavily for a week strait and we got dumped on! By the time Nate finishes shoveling the driveway the path to the cars is deep again! It's been nice for a couple days now and the snow is melting a little bit but still tons of snow!!
 Butterfly Avenlea! She is so cute dressing up in her purple leotard and butterfly wings from Em. She waits so patiently all day until Daddy can come home for lunch or home for the day so he can Fly her around the house like a butterfly!
 Ready to Fly!
 Icicles! Blain brought that giant one in off of the chicken coop
 Avenlea being so cute putting her cold hands on Daddy's eyes to help his headache - you can also see the floor under construction in this picture! We all helped rip the old awful, torn, dirty, sticky linoleum out of the kitchen and replaced it with new flooring that Jonny and Molly got from their neighbors but couldn't use. It looks so nice now! I'll put in a picture when it's all completed. He finished the kitchen and part of the hallway and plans to do half the living room and finish up the hall.
 Cutie Blain taking a little break from working on the floor - you can see it all ripped up with part of it put in in the background
 Legos, my little ponies, Pokemon figurines, princesses, wild Kratt action figures, superheroes... I can't go down the stairs very easily so the bulk of their Christmas presents are still up in the living room. I made a little corner for their toys by the bookshelf which they have been loving to play with. It's really fun to see Zeyta getting in on their play and watching how well they share and play so differently yet combine their play styles. With the knee scooter it makes it a lot easier to get around but not with millions of toys on the ground so they have been really good about keeping their toys picked up as soon as I ask them to. 3 more weeks until I can walk (hopefully!)
 Mario and Princess Peach - Blain and Avenlea have been playing really well together and a new game they really like is Mario. Blain of course is Mario and Avenlea gets on the Sleeping Beauty Dress with the princess hat and follows him all around the house bouncing and jumping and defeating bad guys. Aunt Trudy let Blain play a Mario game on her phone while she was in town and now he likes Mario too!
 My Beautiful Avenlea let me curl her hair again on Sunday for Church. What a little Beauty!
 Love those Cowgirl boots!

Home Raised BEEF!!! round 1: Nate and Jonny butchered Ferdinand on Saturday. Thank goodness Jonny was so nice to come and help because it turned out to be a really big job and since I can't even get out the back door the snow is so deep I was of no use at all. Mamma came for the day and helped with house work, played with cute babies, looked at some of my recent scrapbook pages, and talked about the cruise we should be able to go on together for our 10 year anniversaries this coming summer! Molly and Baby Phillip also stayed for the day which was great! That little Phillip sure is cute!
 Zeyta helping to feed Phillip
 Avenlea watching over Phillip while we played Uno and Guess Who. She was so sweet giving him his Binky whenever he needed it!
 Zeyta the Trouble Maker! She is so mischievous lately! She can climb up onto the chairs now and Blain left his treasure out so she had a lot of fun taking the gold nuggets out one by one and then putting them back in the box. Gotta watch this one closely!
 Blain holding and feeding Philip
 Nate and Jonny started around 10 and finished skinning and gutting around 7 that night. Nate said the whole thing would have been 10x smoother if he could have gotten the tractor started but it wouldn't start on it's own and the snow was too deep for the truck to drive over and jump it. So the truck is now stuck in the snow in the path back to the barnyard. Ferdi weighed in at 320lbs hanging weight. To get the meat up on the hooks they needed a third set of hands so Chloe went out to help! They gave her the string that the front quarters are tied to and lifted it up best they could so she could loop it over the hook. She said she was getting squished by the meat while standing on the ladder but she got it on there and Nate said it took every ounce of strength he and Jonny had to lift it up that high. 

Nate wrapped the meat in a new tarp and we will be cutting it up into steaks, roasts, ribs, and grind on Thursday. I can't believe we actually have home raised beef that was born here on the farm! We are officially drying off Bella now that Ferd is gone. Nate milked Sunday and Today and got a gallon and then a gallon and a half. Hopefully she dries up fast and stays healthy so she can calf in March with a new baby. We plan on doing the same thing if its a boy and probably keeping a girl and selling her as a heifer in 18 months or so. We'll see how it all goes!

Mind Blowing Science: Nate and the kids have today off of school so they did one of Blain's science experiments. They grew some soft squishy crystals in test tubes and loved it!
 Blain measure out the water for his crystals in his pipette
 Blain in his Lab Coat
 Avenlea adding the food coloring
 Chloe measuring out the water for her second round of water
Blue crystals! He played with them for about 10 minutes then was all done and ready for his next science. Poor Nate is so busy they will be doing another experiment a different day but they all had fun making those crystals! Nate is such a good dad, what lucky babies!

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