Friday, July 15, 2016

My big kids!

Updates! Blain and Zeyta had their checkups on Wednesday so I thought I'd do a little blurb on each of my kiddos to see how their growing.
 Zeyta: My little one year old weighed in at 17lb 3 oz (10th%) and is 29.5 inches (50th%). She also ended up getting strep (more amoxicillin...) but it's a diaper rash rather than a throat infection. Zeyta just barely got her 1st tooth which is impossible to photograph because she always has her little tongue in the way. She is standing for a couple seconds at a time and pulls up on everything.
Zeyta loves any toy that her siblings have at the time, but especially likes music toys and songs, crawling around with sticks in her hand, and peek a boo. She is a little mommy's girl and clings like a monkey if I ever try to pass her off to anyone or set her down. She eats just about everything and is so cute drinking her chocolate milk from a straw at summer school lunch. Zeyta is still taking 2 naps a day and I have stopped nursing her so she's officially a big kid now! No words or steps yet but I have a feeling they are not too far away!
Avenlea: This little tiny girl went through a recent growth spurt and is now in 2T clothes and wears a size 7 shoe. She weighs 26 lbs and is also currently on abx for strep which didn't manifest itself like normal either. The culture came back positive after growing in the lab for a while so Dr. Dave had us start abx. We are gearing up to start potty training as soon as we have two mobile parents, and we have been cracking down on discipline because she was starting to get more and more defiant. But she really is responding well and has been more helpful and listens much better.
Avenlea loves to play with the little princesses that Chloe got for Christmas a couple years back, especially the Ariel doll. She has also brought in the barbies and Blain's action figures to make a complete family and loves it when Nate or I will play with the mommy or daddy. I have to set a timer and play for 5 minutes then do dishes for 5 minutes or I wouldn't get anything done! She really loves mermaids, swimming in the little orange pool, and helping with the farm chores (feeding pigs, picking berries and peas, checking for eggs). She still wears a pretty dress about 95% of the time and has come up with the "steal your nose" game that she finds hilarious! 
Blain: Oh I love this boy! I still can't believe he is 5 now, where has all the time gone??He weighs 38.6 lbs (32%) and is 40.75 inches (11th%).  Blain is all about his treasure these days, finding little sparkly things and putting them in his treasure box.  His feathers and Pablo continue to be favorites as usual as well as cream of wheat and any type of snack you can dream up. He asks for snacks about 20 times a day and always needs at least 3 options to choose from. He continues to crack us up with the funny answers he responds with and the run around answers he gives when he doesn't quite know what to say.
Dr. Dave started him on a nose spray and antibacterial nose cream to try and reduce his nose bleeds, we are only on day 2 so only time will tell if we found a way to help his poor baby nose. Blain really likes to battle his toys, jump on the trampoline, and do the spider climb in the door way. He is such a good helper with daddy being broken, he gets him drinks and has learned to help out with more chores and does pretty good about not complaining. He is now the water trough filler upper, cleans the bathroom and keeps his bedroom picked up daily.
 Chloe Rose: The big news for Chloe today is she lost her first tooth!! We were at Strawberry reservoir turning in Nate's fish tag and a little swim stop when she pulled her loose tooth out! She can't stop talking about how excited she is and "can't believe I lost my tooth at Strawberry lake!". Chloe is reading so well and has moved up to a level O in her summer school reading program (about 1000 words per book). Chloe continues to love playing piano, writing and illustrating short stories, and jumping on the trampoline. She begs to be in a dance class too so I hope that's in the cards in the near future.
Chloe has been a super helper getting breakfast ready for her and her siblings, opening doors, getting drinks, carrying Zeyta for Nate while I'm at work, and keeping up on her chores! She is in charge of collecting eggs, picking up the living room, and keeping her room clean. Nate recently brought home some math workbooks in spanish and english and she has been SO excited to work on them. Sometimes she would rather sit and do those workbooks than play with Blain outside so I have to limit her time on them or she would never play lol! I'm so proud of everything she's learning and what a sweet, responsible, helpful girl she's growing into! 

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