Thursday, May 26, 2016

Happy Graduation Blainito!

End Of the year for Blain: Blain had his last day of preschool and graduated! His class earned a pizza party with sidewalk chalk and squirt guns that I caught the end of. At his graduation he did such a good job saying his line and singing the songs. It was really fun watching him and celebrating all he's learned this year. We went out to get donuts, one of his favorite desserts, afterwards and all the older kids ate their whole donuts, even Avenlea! Good job Blain!
 Blain on his last day of Preschool!
 Squirting away the chalk at the end of preschool
Blain and his teacher Miss Kelly
Family picture after the graduation
Eating super yummy donuts!
Cutest little Graduate with his donut

Hiking at Strawberry Reservoir: Chloe, Blain and Avenlea filled up their sticker chart and chose a fun family hike as their reward. I put Nate in charge of finding the hike and we ended up on a short 45 minute drive to hike along a beautiful reservoir throwing rocks, watching wildlife and making memories! We packed some oreo cookies and sweet grapes and enjoyed a nice evening together!
 Avenlea being "really scared" at the beginning of the hike. I have no idea why she kept saying that but as we hiked along she kept saying she was really scared and kind of crunching up as she walked, lol. I just pointed out all the pretty things to see and Daddy let her use the binoculars and soon she was skipping along with Blain and Chloe! Silly Avenlea!
 Watching the birds
 Zeyta was really good on the hike but by the end her little hands were freezing!
 Fun family picture at the lake
 Blain showing off his crab claw that he found
Chloe on the rocks
 Blain on the dock

Farmy News: Some little going ons on the Mitchell homestead...
 Our little girl piggy has been acting weird these past couple days. She is eating and drinking fine but she is struggling to get up and walk around like her brothers. Scratchy's legs look like they are kind of tipped in under her when she walks, I'm not sure what all this means but it does make me a little nervous. I'm gonna keep watching her closely and do some reading on what could be causing her to act like that.

 The raspberries are getting a couple little blooms or berries or something that looks like it will turn into deliciousness!
 Front view of the garden growing nicely! I planted green beans and edemame in the row where the carrots never came up so I hope these seeds sprout!
 I planted the tomatoes and squash in the garden. They survived their first night in the ground and now that they are mulched and caged they should grow nicely! I planted them with egg shells and fish emulsion so theoretically the calcium from the eggs will breakdown into the soil and prevent blossom end rot and the emulsion will give them nitrogen that they lacked last year.
 And the purple potatoes have three plants growing!
I kept one of each of the tomato varieties in pots as sort of a control to see if I can get more red tomatoes if they are a little more sheltered? or maybe even just extend the growing season by taking them inside in the fall when it freezes. We'll see!

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