Friday, April 15, 2016

Busy Busy Bees

Spring Break: We had spring break about a week ago and we all worked hard the whole week! Bella is getting dangerously close to coming back into heat and since she plowed down the pasture fence to get to the green grass we now have no way to keep her and Prince Ali separate until she is ready to breed back. So Nate took the week to get the farm ready for baby making time! He made a second feed box so we can separate the rooster and the "select" chickens into their own area to collect fertile eggs, and he used the tractor to dig and set posts for a new section for Prince Ali and eventually the piggies when they grow up enough to not fit through the fence.
 Nate working with his tractor- he said it saved him a ton of time digging the holes, backfilling dirt, and even lifting some of the huge railroad ties that he used as posts
Avenlea loved helping daddy with his work!
Our Broody chicken sitting in the broody area on the fertile eggs we collected. She's been sitting since the 6th so at the end of the month we might get chicks! She got locked out of the nest when the wind blew the door closed while she was out getting food and water so we're not sure how long the eggs were by themselves but we're still hopeful.
 I spent spring break digging 56 holes for the raspberries, planting them all, and mulching the rows afterwards. Nate and I took 2 days off and on planting them and about the same mulching them. It was a lot of work but it looks a million times better with all the cardboard covered up and the plants all in a row! I really hope they survive since we did everything the grower advised us (peat moss, root stimulator, 6 feet of spacing between rows...) I can't wait for berries!
 The finished product! Now all we have to do is hope the snow and continued freezing temperatures at night don't kill them all and wait for berries!
We got three little piggies on the 9th and so far they are the laziest pigs I've ever seen! All they do is lay around burying themselves in the straw. They do get up when I come and bring them leftover milk/whey now that they know what's coming, but every time I go out there they are all piled up under the straw. Its so nice having them to eat up all the extra dairy that doesn't fit in the fridge or that's leftover from cheese making! I dump any leftover from the gallon we were drinking that day at night so we have room for the new milk that we get every morning and night. We took the tiny girl and named her Scratchy (Chloe's name) and molly picked out the boy with the ear tag and they are calling him prosciutto crudo (it means raw pig in italian I think). Stacey and Kyle have yet to meet their little guy so we'll see what his name becomes after they meet him. 
The livestock - I really need to switch this cow to once a day milking! She is giving us still 2-3 gallons per day but I'm not sure how to switch her over because Ferd is still not drinking very much. I've read a couple things but none of them apply to having a calf on the cow and trying to milk once per day without separating the calf. Part of me thinks I can just skip the night milking and not separate but with him drinking so little I'm not sure if that will be bad for her. Wish I had someone to ask who has experience with this sort of thing!
Trying to catch Scratchy - she was the runt of the litter but has already gained some weight which is promising! I think she is going to be fine because she is so smart - she is the first one to figure out how to get in the "slop" bucket and comes up to me if I crouch down near them while they are eating.

Babies: Our kiddos have been so good while we get lots of spring chores done. The addition of the trampoline from grandma for christmas has really contributed to their self entertainment. Zeyta loves to sit outside (when it's warm) on a blanket and find a million sticks to chew on while I'm working, and avenlea is our little shadow but does her fair share of jumping, bouncing and flipping.
 They've come a long way since the last time I did a post about them and their dish washing! It is actually helpful when they feel like washing dishes and are both getting proficient in their respective jobs of washing and rinsing/stacking.
 Zeyta playing on her blanket in the garden
 After begging for 3 days to let them swim in the pool I finally gave in and got the pool out, filled it with water and let them get in. It was a whopping 56 degrees and they shivered through the whole thing, but enjoyed every minute of it. Chloe, Blain and Avenlea have been going in on "warm" days and it's really fun to hear all the games they come up with to play in there.
 Chloe's "shark tooth" She has her adult tooth growing in behind her two baby teeth which I thought was a little weird. I called the dentinst and they said just encourage her to wiggle the teeth in front of it so that's what she's been doing since yesterday. They are getting a little more loose so hopefully we'll be getting a visit from the tooth fairy soon!
Avenlea and James playing while their daddy's work on the pig pen - Molly is sharing her pig with her brother in law and nate's condition on having us grow their pig was that they help out building the new pig pen. So Molly, Jonny and Brent came over one saturday to help and brought his kids which was a lot of fun for our kiddos since the ages match up pretty good. Avenlea and James especially have a good time together!
Can't beat eating apples and swinging on a swing
My big 9 (almost 10 months now!) month old who has been officially crawling since Sunday!

What a cutie pie! She is back to being a champion eater and loves her new freedom of movement! She explores the living room and kitchen and tries to pull up on the open drawers and chairs. 

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