May is always super crazy and this year was no exception. We sure have been having fun and keeping busy and anxiously anticipating SUMMER!!
On the Farm: There is never an end to the chores in the garden and on the homestead. We have been weeding and planting and watering.
I have been working every Saturday in May so my sweet family stepped up to help me with the berry weeding. I still have so much to do!
Tuesday is my water the orchard day and I get lots of help from Zeyta!
The evening before I was going to plant my tomatoes and tomatillos and peppers there was a crazy HAIL storm that ripped the little ones to shreds. I ran out halfway through the storm and saved as many as I could but several didn't make it. The garden is still doing pretty good considering.
Satin seems to have one problem after another. This one is pretty bad though. She got some sort of weird sickness where she could barely stand, drooled, and worst of all her milk is pretty much dried up! Her teats turned all black and leathery and there has been essentially no milk since Sunday. We took her to the vet who gave her indigestion pills, a strong antibiotic, and a magnet incase she had swallowed a wire. We're not sure what was wrong (and neither was the vet) but she seems to be getting better - except for her udder. It feels like leather and there is no milk. Velvet seems to be doing ok and has been eating a lot more grass. The only good thing about the visit was that she is pregnant! The vet says about 1 1/2 months along so we are probably looking at an early February baby. I hope her milk comes back!!
Mile by Mile Marathon: Blain and Chloe both participated in the race this year. I thought it was on Thursday but when I double checked the paper I saw we had 5 minutes to get to the starting line! We rushed over and they were both able to race.
Chloe's goal was to run the whole way this year, which she almost did with just a few pit stops (a herd of llamas are really distracting!).
Blain did surprisingly well! He was one of the first little kids to cross the finish line! I was shocked when I saw that tiny boy in his blue tank top rounding the corner when I thought for sure there had to be a while before I would see any of them. He was sprinting the final stretch so fast I could only get a picture of his back! He was super proud that he beat Chloe and his friend that he ran most of the way with, lol.
Blain sprinting to the end
Chloe on the final stretch!
Of course Blain's favorite part was the treats...
matching shirts and medals!
Way to go!!
Blain was so insistent on doing this tired picture, what a goof!
The library isn't doing regular story time until June when they start story time in the park but Miss Sally still reads to those who are at the library checking out books occasionally. We have been going through lots and lots of books lately. It's fun having a family of readers!
Blain has learned the routines for 5 of the 6 events he will be competing in. He has a few little tweaks to make but overall he is feeling great and his coach is happy with his progress. He gets pretend scores on his routines and usually scores in the 8's, but he got a 10 on one of his vaults yesterday! Look at those pointy toes and straight legs, good job Blain.
Picnic lunches with Aunt Melissa
Chloe doing the little girls' hair before school and bed!
What a cute picture of this little girl at the park in Midway
Avenlea went across the monkey bars all by herself!
And to the top of the rock wall! What a strong girl!
Geocaching: I've been wanting to go to this geocache with my kiddos for a while but can never find the time when we're all together so Zeyta and I just went. It was really fun to see all the trains and the cache had some fun SWAG!
Zeyta and I with her bumble bee
Playing in the little train car
Cool random teepee
Chloe was the first class at my Frisbee relay station
Blain next door at the sack races
Blain walked super careful with his frisbee full of water!
Good crab walk Chloe!
Knock out!
Miss Heidi was so nice to let Zeyta stay with Avenlea for the whole time I was doing field day! They said she was very well behaved and ready for preschool next year!
waiting for the bus for the last time as a preschooler!
Walking into the graduation room
Her class sang 4 cute songs including ABC's, Speckled frogs, and 5 little monkeys
When I grow up I want to be a COWGIRL!!
Getting her certificate
Yay the graduates!
Avenlea and one of her teachers, Miss Heidi
Family Pic - Chloe and Blain were still in school but Zeyta, Aunt Melissa and Phillip were able to come support her at the graduation!
We had a little talk and she decided to be happy for her pictures after we got home.
Cute little cowgirl
What a sweet tiny girl
We had a fun time going to the splash pad and aquatic center as a special treat after her graduation
warming up in the sun!
Last day of School: I can't believe how fast this school year has gone but I'm so so so excited for summer and to have these wonderful kiddos with me for a couple months! We have so many fun things planned I can't wait!!
What the Chloe?!?
Smelling the lilacs
Oh Zeyta!
Mr. sweatpants - everyday if I would let him...
No teeth!
I love these cute kiddos!
Breakfast in Bed! Nate helped make a yummy breakfast and got me an elliptical like I've been wanting for years!
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