Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Halloween 2017

Hunting: Nate went out hunting a couple times with Jonny, Sam and his friend Judd. They were unsuccessful in getting a deer or an elk but Nate always enjoys being up in the mountains, especially when he gets to go on a horse!
 Ready to leave!
 Scouting for Elk

Chloe: What a cute little bike rider! Nate gave her an incentive and a couple of steps to take and she was riding a bike in a couple hours of practice! We are so proud of her :)
 Cutie little 2 wheeler!!

Making Bacon: We had all 3 families over to butcher the pigs. It was 2 days of hard work skinning and cutting, grinding and sealing, then a whole week of brining and smoking. The totals for the pig are: 
285 lb pig with head, no guts and skin -- 190 lb headless, spineless, gutless, skinless
30 lb regular bacon plus about 15lbs of jowl and belly bacon
17qts and 17 pints of stock from the bones of all 3 pigs
2.5 lbs tenderloin
15 3/4 lbs roasts
13.5 lbs of ribs
15 3/4 lbs pork chops
12 qts rendered lard
46 lbs sausage
unknown ham -- 2 buckets full
125$ piglets + 275$ feed per pig = 400$ total -- They grew out for almost an extra month and were a lot bigger but also a lot more expensive. Not sure what we'll do next year...
 cutie babies being apart of the butchering process
We gave Chloe and Blain the job of grinding the fat and sausage meat. They had too much fun with all that nasty, slimy fat!!

Around the House: These cute kiddos have been keeping me busy helping with homework, practicing gymnastics, painting, swinging, planning family dinners, and going on outings! It's so great getting to stay home with them and always be there when they get home from school. Even with working more hours than normal we make it work!
 Avenlea loves practicing her kick overs, cartwheels, back rolls and headstands!
She can do a pullover on the bar by herself!
 Blain lost his first Tooth!!!
 Blain with his golden dollar and note from the tooth fairy
 Cute girls after our short walk to Bridal veil falls
 Love these sweet girls!! They did really good walking along the path, eating their lunch and having happy attitudes.
Avenlea has become such a sweetie giving her grandparents hugs and loves when we are able to get together on weekends. She has even caught onto the "grandpa's feet" game when he tickles her and asks whose feet he has?!? 

Pumpkin Patch: We went to Jaker's pumpkin patch in springville again this year for a fun couple hours playing in the corn, sliding down slides, exploring corn mazes and taking a hay ride.
 His goal for next year is a handstand in the corn!
 cute babies in the corn!
Look at those beautiful girls
Hay Ride
Sweet Zeyta on the pumpkins - the dress and pants was a good call, she barely had any corn in her diaper this year!

Halloween Day and Night: I was able to go watch my 3 big kids parade around their school in their costumes. It was so fun to see their happy faces when they noticed Zeyta and I cheering for them! Halloween Night we went out to Salt Lake to Paul and Sawsha's Halloween party. They got lots of yummy candy and had a blast running from house to house. We had Avenlea (who wasn't feeling veyr well) and Zeyta in the stroller which worked out pretty good.
Heading off to school!
 Super Girl
 Wonder Woman
 Pink Bunny - oh those ears! I lost the pair that I bought for her so I made those the night before and she only wore them for pictures, she wouldn't wear them door to door. Silly Bunny
Red Ninja
 Cute kids!!
 Family shot before heading out trick or treating!!
 Em got this awesome shot of Chloe racing to show me her full size snickers bar!!

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